Rigoberta Menchú once said that without strong watchdog institutions, impunity becomes the very foundation upon which systems of corruption are built and if impunity is not demolished, all efforts to bring an end to corruption are in vain.
Today police together with the Anti Corruption Unit, have arrested Ntoroko district Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Anslem Kyaligonza for alleged fraudulent tendencies.
It is alleged that Kyaligonza irregularly recruited and appointed over 500 civil servants in excess of the staff ceiling and wage bill without the approval of the District and Public Service Commissions.
He is said to have personally looked for several people for recruitment, who he issued appointment letters bearing forged minutes of the District Service Commission, and he afterwards added them to the payroll.
The Anti Corruption Unit alleged that some of these irregularly recruited staff members were also paid salaries beyond the scales indicated in their forged appointments.
The unit says that the actions of the CAO resulted into overstaffing in the different departments in Ntoroko and a salary shortfall, causing some staff to work without payment.
Kyaligonza’s arrest comes days after the minister for ethics and integrity, Rose Akello ordered for his arrest. The minister issued the order while on her visit in the district to assess the quality of service delivery.
The suspect is currently detained at Jinja Road Police Station on holding charge of abuse of office as investigations into the matter continue.