6th June, 2022
By Namwanje Patricia
Fred Enaga to recieve medals of honour from president Museveni on this year’s heroes day.
Police spokes person Fred Enaga is among the total of 81 people who are going to be honored. This has been confirmed by the state Minister in charge Economic Monitoring, Hon Peter ogwang while he was addressing the media on the fourth coming heroes day.
This Year’s celebration is under the theme of “commemorating our heroes and heroines :An opportunity to consolidate our efforts in securing Uganda. This event is intended to pay tribute to people who sacrifice the wellbeing Ugandans and Uganda as a country and to also mainly defend the highest values of patriotism.
Ogwang mentioned that four long service gold police medalists :to. be given to officers who have worked for over 30 years with a clean and uninterrupted service to the force
Further more Ogwang said that the speaker of Police will be awarded for his work in police including demonstrating high professional standards.
Almost seventeen thousand two hundred twenty six medals have been awarded to exemplary nationals who, according to the awards committee, deserved honor and recognition.